Asakawa Nana explain why graduation from Super Girls

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The popularity of Asakawa Nana (SUPER GiRLS) has skyrocketed lately. Not only appearing in magazines to showcase the side of a "large breastbag babyface that appears once in 1000 years", he also often starred in a number of Japanese movie theaters and drama theater. In the midst of his solo career rush, he was hit by rumors about his graduation from SUPER GIRLS some time ago.

One news portal in Japan once made rumors about the news itself that will soon resign from SUPER GiRLS in the near future. Rumors are sticking out on the internet just because of his self-assertion that began to openly talk about his future. He explains that he aspires to be an actress.

However, Asakawa Nana immediately denied the rumors through his official twitter account, @SG_NANA_avex, Wednesday (25/10). "Somehow the issue of graduation, or my self-awakening (of the group) spread, which I have not decided yet, calm down. Haha, "he wrote.

Then twit the attention of thousands of users of social networking twitter. The fans admitted very calm after hearing confirmation from him about the issue circulated some time ago in cyberspace.

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