Former AKB48 Takahashi Minami to married with 41 years old man

takahashi minami married

Former AKB48 Takahashi Minami is rumoured having new boyfriend, the man who is now working for an IT company in Tokyo is 41-year-old a.k.a 15 years older than Takamina.

They are both exposed few days ago according to Minami Takahashi's friend both celebrating the man's birthday in a nightclub before enter the apartement that renting by the man.

According to Yahoo Japan Takamina ready to married within a year from this month after Minami says she have found her 'Beloved Man' during the interview weeks ago.

تعليقان (2)

  1. euh... ok. : P
  2. takamina, i wish you your happiness < 3 will never forget all of the great deeds and accomplishments made by your hard-working idol days : ' 3
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