Weird thing on Hiraishin MV Keyakizaka46 5th single coupling song

hiraishin mv keyakizaka46
After yesterday Keyakizaka46 released Music video 'Soredemo Aruiteru [そ れ で も 歩 い て る]', today, October 17, 2017, Keyakizaka46 re-released new music video.

This time, keyakizaka46 released the music video 'Hiraishin [避雷針]' to the group's official YouTube channel.

'Hiraishin' is the 5th single coupling song of Keyakizaka46 'Kaze ni Fukarete mo [風 に 吹 か れ て も]' which will be released on October 25, 2017.

'Hiraishin' was hosted by the 5th single Senbatsu member consisting of 21 members of Kanji Keyakizaka46.

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