List of Most Hated Keyakizaka46 Members even with their fans

Top 3 name list of Most Hated Keyakizaka46 members who are they and explaination why deserves to be hated ..
Becoming a member of Keyakizaka46 must face a happy and difficult situation when the group is at the peak of popularity, as the most hated member of what their response is?

Update List of Most Hated Keyakizaka46 Members

Here's the List of 3 Most Hated Keyakizaka46 Members

1. Sugai Yuuka

Sugai Yuka became Keyakizaka46's most hated member, not because of her talent but due to her arrogant nature, not even the fans but the ordinary people hated Yuuka.

2. Hirate Yurina

So being center 5 times in a row is hard not to have haters, Hirate Yurina is experiencing it right now. Many people think Techi is very greedy and management is too overpushed her.

3. Ushio Sarina

Some fans may be disagreeing, especially if they come from Malaynesia. Ushio Sarina uses Bahasa Indonesia only to be recognized by overseas fans, her insults towards Taiwan state are unacceptable to the laity of the public to her fans in Japan.

That's the list of Keyakizaka46's most hated members at the moment.

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