Nogizaka46 3rd Generation Lively Event "T-SPOOK - TOKYO HALLOWEEN PARTY"

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On October 22nd, 2017, members of Generation 3 Nogizaka46 performed at the live stage event 'Mezamashi Television PRESENTS T-SPOOK - TOKYO HALLOWEEN PARTY ~ [PRESENTS T-SPOOK ~ TOKYO HALLOWEEN PARTY ~]' held at Odaiba, Tokyo.

Under the rain, 12 Generation 3 members celebrate the Halloween event by wearing dog-dressed Dalmatian and Black paint.

Appearance Generation 3 opens with the latest Generation 3 song which contained the 19th disingle of Nogizaka46 namely 'Boku no Shoudou [僕 の 衝動]'. After completing this song, Ito Riria who became the center of this song said, "This is the first performance of 'Boku no Shoudou', you are the first to see the performance of this song, what about the performance of this song? from the audience, Ito again said, "Thanks, I'm so glad".

Generation 3 Nogizaka46 @ T-SPOOK - TOKYO HALLOWEEN PARTY

Boku no Shoudou

Inochi wa Utsukushi

Seifuku no Mannequin

Mirai no Kotae

Omoide First

Girls's rule

Sanbanme no Kaze

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