Nogizaka46 Nakamoto Himeka Invited to Collaborate By RADIO FISH

Nogizaka46 Nakamoto Himeka Invited to Collaborate By RADIO FISH

On the 29th of October yesterday, RADIO FISH featured on NHK radio broadcast 'Radirer! SUNDAY [ら じ ら ー! SUNDAY] 'announced they will release a new song titled' LAST NUMBER 'and invite Nogizaka46 member Nakamoto Himeka to collaborate on this song.

RADIO FISH and Nakamoto Himeka have worked together to guide the broadcast of 'Radirer! SUNDAY 'since April 2015. One of the personnel of RADIO FISH, Nakata Atsuhiko revealed that this collaboration idea was born because she wanted to do something with Nakamoto Himeka who has announced her graduation from Nogizaka46 and plans to retire from the entertainment world.

Nakamoto Himeka became the second member of Nogizaka46 to be invited to collaborate with musicians. Previously, Saito Asuka was invited to collaborate by musician and music producer Mondo Grosso / Osawa Shinichi to sing 'Wakusei Tantora [惑星 タ ン ト ラ]' from the album 'Nando demo Atarashiku Umareru [何 度 で も 新 し く 生 ま れ る]'.

The song 'LAST NUMBER' is scheduled to be released early this November.

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