Owada Nana Starring Stage Play 'The Witness for the Prosecution'

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Former AKB48 member Owada Nana will star in the stage drama 'The Witness for the Prosecution'.

In this stage drama, Owada will act as a lawyer.

'The Witness for the Prosecution tells about Nikaido Hiragi who is suspected of involvement in murder case and he visits the office of lawyer Kamiyama for help. Two female lawyers Fuyuki Hana and Natsuki Hana who are experts in the case of false allegations were trying to help Nikaido Hiragi. Nikaido has a lover named Saegusa Kaoru who is expected to prove that Nikaido is innocent, but for some reason Saegusa is uncooperative and seems to be ringing something.

The stage drama 'The Witness for the Prosecution' will be staged at Hino City Hall from 6 ~ 8 January 2018.

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