Best Tips You Should Know Before Shopping Car Tires Online

In today's digital world, buying an item can be done through the touch of a finger in a variety of online stores. Usually people buy items that are relatively small and can be directly used. Some online stores also provide goods for automotive needs, ranging from accessories to car tires.

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Well, for car tires usually people rarely buy online, because usually online stores only sell off, so consumers are considered to have been able to replace the tire by itself. Or will use the services of the workshop to do the installation.

For those of you who want to shop for tires online, no need to think about installation location you can try tomo net.

This website provides a variety of information about tires, as well as you can buy tires and choose the location of the installation workshop.

All processes are done online, including payments. So you just go to the workshop that has been selected to perform the installation.

Before deciding to choose a tire, make sure first the tire specifications you use. You will be asked to enter the tire width data, aspect ratio, rim size, and desired tire type.

You can get this information on the wall on the tire wall. Suppose it says 205/60 R 16. The palm is 205 mm with an aspect ratio of 60 and the size of a 16-inch rim. While the letter 'R' indicates the tire is a radial tire.

"Our website offers a new experience of buying tires for consumers because it is the right digital platform for choosing tires as they want and need. This website is one solution that offers ease of buying and getting tires, "said Toshihiro Fujiki, Sales & Marketing Director of PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia.

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