Tips How to Secure and Easy Installation of Car Audio

Installation of accessories or additional components associated with electricity, potentially causing problems, such as short-circuits that result in car fires. Likewise when the installation of audio, both still in standard conditions or full specifications.

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Described Eddie Soesanto, retainer of Cartens Autosound, all electronic devices are always at risk of fire if not installed properly.

"We have to start with the selection of cables should be good, the installation must be neat, and the equipment we add it must be in accordance with the procedure. Suppose, the cable must be good quality or not, there is a protector (fuse), "explained Eddie.

Continue this long-haired man, with a safety cable or fuse, when there is a zipper can secure the cable and no fire.

"Well, there are a few times that I see the teledor is the addition of accessories that have the potential to occur shorted no fuses added," added the friendly man.

So, judging by the many cases that occur, a lot of negligence from the owner when adding aftermarket devices, so APM said should not add something in the car so the warranty is not lost.

"You may add something, but whether it is appropriate procedure, neatness, and security. When viewed APM when wiring, there must be shell and protector, and aftermarket must also follow the procedure, "said Eddie.

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