When you search for information on SEO techniques in Google Search - what do you find?
Most of the results are not far from the SEO materials on page and off page basis, right? For those who are just learning SEO - this is certainly very useful to add insight. But for those of you who have been long enough to wrestle the world of blogging, the information is certainly not quite useful.
You need SEO strategy material that is really a method, in other words - step by step that can help make your Blog / Web bolted up and get more visitors - because this is the purpose of SEO.
And because I do make HWSEO as an advanced SEO learning ground, the various articles presented here are more in the direction of the steps, methods, and understanding that you can directly practice. Neither in the article this time.
I use frills psychology because the approach of this technique is more towards the visitor as the end user (your target actually).
OK! Ready?
Read carefully all the descriptions below so that you can get a proper understanding.
What Effects Of Human Psychology Against SEO Techniques?
Before I answer this, let's look at the facts:
Google is constantly trying to develop its search engine to become more humanist (like a science fiction movie yah ...), but that's exactly what happened.
The proof?
Hummingbird Launch - an algorithm that seeks to understand the desires of an actual visitor as they type in 'words or words' (keywords) in the Google search field.
It's not perfect yet, but it does not mean it does not have a significant impact. Since it is unlikely that the 'World's' Superstar SEOs are focusing their attention towards Semantic Search if this is not something that is important to their business.
And the fun of it - 53% of the Top 10 sites also include relevant terms around their main keywords.
Why linked to psychology?
For those of you who have not noticed, our activity in the virtual world (browsing) it is always "spied on" - by Google.
As an example:
- When someone searches for office design information, then usually he will also find information about certain interior materials / store building / office furniture, etc. are still in touch.
Well, this activity will be recorded and data by Google as one of the basis of ranking.
Well, this activity will be recorded and data by Google as one of the basis of ranking.
The result - Web / Blog that provides the majority of information that 'may' be searched by a visitor when typing a "certain keyword" is more likely to be in the top position in Google Results.
In other words, creating a Qualified Niche Blog is the easiest way to win the competition in SERP - as it gets faster Authority from Google.
Next, Techniques Increase Visitor And Blog Ranking
In this section I will discuss for Blogs that are 'live and running'.
As I have mentioned many times in the posts on this blog, User Experience (user experience) is increasingly becoming one of the vital SEO factors that get big points from Google to raise the position of Blog / Web us.
In order for me not to be considered bragging, again I will provide the latest lytics data. I will only give an example of 2 user experience factor data here:
It can be seen that position 1 has a very high CTR.
"Yes obviously the CTR is high, right in the 1st position. Right?"
For the top 5 positions, not the rank that determines the CTR - but the CTR determines the rankings.
When you type in a keyword to search for information in Google Search, what position can you see in the search results?
Generally the top position of up to 3 positions below will instantly caught your eye (unless there are ads there), and I'm sure you will also scroll down - read at a glance the title and description given by Google until at least until position 6 or 7 click on one of them.
The question is, do you always will click that no. 1?
Why would you choose to click on the no. 2 - no. 5 - no. 7?
The above data shows the relevant correlation value between time on site with the position of a page in SERP - where the difference of position 1 and 2 with below is quite significant.
Then what can we draw from 2 data above?
In essence, if you want to get more visitors to your blog and win the competition in SERP, then increase CTR and time on site on your Blog.
Again the psychological factors play a role here.
More than a week ago, I experimented on an article page where the main keyword (not the seasonal KW) had a search of about 18K / month - and page 1 was dominated by a large Brand (my blog is already on page 1 - it's just always stuck at position 9 / 10).
And as you know, Web news and magazines are filled by writers who are very familiar with copywriting. Their ability to create Headlines and descriptions that invite clicks is unquestionable. So you can say everything that appears on page 1 as interesting to get the click (do not forget also the Brand factor).
Here is my challenge. I'm trying to dig deeper into those keywords - anyone interested in those keywords, what information they really want, etc.
Armed with the data I got, I made a slight modification to the Article Title and also overhauled the writing style (the way I delivered the content) in the page.
So what is the conclusion of the article you read this time?
Target the visitor clearly before you fill the content on your Blog. Or if your blog is already alive and running - then know who the majority of visitors who visit your Blog (use Google Analytics).
The better you get to know your Blog visitors, the easier it will be to present the right content for them - create strong ties with visitors through the content in your blog. This will increase the User Experience that will be recorded by Google.
The final result? Of course the position is getting shot up and the visitors are increasing.