1000 Trillion Per Year, Where Does Google Revenue From?

Google revenue is able to penetrate the number 106 billion US dollars or about Rp 1.431 trillion. Google's technology giant company occupies 46.4 percent of total global advertising spend, then whether Google's income is only from that alone so the numbers are fantastic?

google revenue

Reported by CNBC, Google is predicted to get 72.69 billion US dollars of advertising profits in 2017. That means this figure is almost close to 1 trillion rupiah just from advertising alone. This is because the advertisers increased 38.3 percent, including budget spending on advertising.

Where does Google's revenue come from advertising so that it exceeds more than 1000 trillion annually?

According to Shelleen Shum, a senior lyst at eMarketer, Google has benefited from mobile and video features. More and more smartphone users have been put to good use by Google to embed the advertising features.

Also read: Popular Google Products and Smart Business Strategy.

Aside from advertising, other Google revenues are able to scoop up the dollar as a technology giant. Google's main business itself is a search engine that is currently a "Center" of information for the nitizen, then familiar to the ears of the people of Indonesia and often called "Mbah Google" to find information.

5 Google revenue sources

1. AdWords

Google's earnings in 2015 alone amounted to 52.4 billion US dollars (Rp 689 trillion) sourced from AdWords. Features such as Adwords express have also been able to reach Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to get the opportunity to expand its product range by advertising on Google.

Just imagine, nowadays it's not just big companies that can advertise on Google through Adwords. SMEs or equivalent service products that can be in a smooth manner by Google through several discount programs half price or balance Adwords for free.


This ad feature is the most popular for publishers or creators to serve ads. Already thousands of bloggers and Youtuber Indonesia including Click Mania blog is relying on Adsense as the main income.

Information quoted from Tekno.kompas.com, In 2015, Google's revenue from AdSense contribution reached 15 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 197 trillion.


AdMob is almost similar to AdSense, but it's dedicated to mobile platforms. AdMob is often used Android app builders to earn revenue from ad impressions on the Android app.

In AdMob, Google shares revenue to app owners through ad impressions. Google itself gets many benefits from thousands of applications through Advertiser (advertisers). Although not as much as Adsense, but Admob also able to donate Trillions of rupiah every year.


The most popular examples of Freemium products from Google are Drive and Analytics. Drive is a file storage medium such as email documents, photos, user videos listed in the Email account.

While Analytics is a tool Google to the performance of a website. This tool is very important for an online media company or a specific commercial website.

From both of these products, Google revenue comes from users who take advantage of premium features from Drive and Analytics. They will be required to pay for premium features.

For Google's earnings from freemium is not so much because not all users are required to use this feature. For example, for premium Google Analytic package priced at $ 150,000 per year.

Sales of Electronic Devices

HTC is a company that coupled Google to release Nexus One in January 2010 ago. Next there are several series that glide each year.

For the latest news Google has changed the name of Nexus with Pixel, like the example of its newest product is Google Pixel 2 and 2 XL. In addition to producing smartphones, Google's revenue reaches trillions of dollars through tablet and laptop products under the name Chromebook.

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