Angry AKB48 fans rejects Produce 48 project by Mnet and Yasushi Akimoto

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Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) 2017 successfully held on 29 November 2017 in Yokohama Arena, Japan. The event in Japan is the second series of MAMA 2017 events previously held in Vietnam.

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MAMA 2017 is filled with performances from several groups and singers such as BoA, Seventeen, Hwang Min-Hyun, Monsta X, Weki Weki, Kim Chung-ha, PRISTIN, Idol School, IOI, Zico, fromis 9, Twice, Wanna One, NU 'EST W, EXO-CBX. In addition there is the appearance of idol group number 1 in Japan, AKB48.

AKB48 for the first time performing with girl group I.O.I program results with their popular song 'Pick Me'. In addition, AKB48 performed with their hits Heavy Rotation and Koisuru Fortune Cookie with Weki Meki, Kim Chung-ha, PRISTIN, Idol School, and Form 9.

 At MAMA 2017 in Japan, Yashusi Akimoto as producer of AKB48 Group got award for Inspired Achievement category. On that occasion, Mnet featured a short duration video containing the announcement. The video contains a new 'PRODUCE 48' program from Mnet that is AKB48's collaboration with the PRODUCE 101 program. 

PRODUCE 48 is a new project of Mnet cooperation with Yasushi Akimoto which aims to form a new female idol group. PRODUCE 48 will incorporate a competition system from PRODUCE 101 where the trainees will be fan-spotted and selected to debut with the AKB48 'idol you can meet' concept based on theater performances.

Through PRODUCE 48, Mnet and Aki-p will bring new experiences for Japanese and Korean society as well as music fans. This program will begin running mid-2018 and has been prepared on an unprecedented scale. Will the realization of AKB48 group sister in South Korea?

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