Nogizaka46 Nishino Nanase Kissing Scene on Drama "Denei Shoujo -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-"

Nogino Nishino Nanase Starring TV Drama Tokyo "Denei Shoujo -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-"

Nogizaka46 member Nishino Nanase will star in a drama entitled 'Denei Shoujo -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018- [電影 少女 -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-]' which will air on TV Tokyo in January 2018, every Saturday at 00.20 JST.

The drama is based on Katsura Masakazu's manga series entitled 'Denei Shoujo [電影 少女]' published by Shueisha in Shounen Jump weekly magazine.

'Denei Shoujo -VIDEO GIRL AI 2018-' tells the story of a high school student named Moteuchi Yota. Since his parents divorced he lived with his uncle. At school he loves a girl but the girl love Yota's friend. One day, Yota finds a video tape recorder that has been damaged in his uncle's house.

Yota finally fixed the tape and when the tape was played, there was a girl in the video and introduced herself as Ai Girl Video named Amano Ai. The girl then stepped out of the video and stayed with Yota for the next three months.

In this drama, Nishino Nanase will play the character of Amano Ai. "I can not imagine it because the cheerful character of Amano Ai is so different from my shy self." Nishino said.

For the sake of playing this character, Nishino also cut her hair along the 20cm to short to match the image character Amano Ai.

Nishino said, "I do want to cut my hair one day, I plan to do it if I have graduated from Nogizaka46. And this opportunity comes, finally I can cut my hair short after so long since I graduated from school."

In addition to Nishino, this drama also stars Nomura Shuhei who plays Moteuchi Yota.

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