Another FOUR TPE48 candidates announces resignation

Some of the first generation member candidates of TPE48 slowly began to be selected naturally.

Another FOUR TPE48 candidates announces resignation

A new three-month review of these months led them to decide to withdraw their rights as TPE48 audition participants. After several girls resigned some time ago, on December 13th, TPE48 announced 4 outgoing member candidates.

They are the No. 43 participants by the name of Zhang Xuci, No. 89 Wang Yu, No. 47 Wang Linghui, No. 147 Yang Xinyu.

Zhang Xuci and Wang Yu decided to resign for personal reasons. While Wang Linghui and Yang Xinyu decided to resign for not exercising their rights as candidates for TPE48 members, after further contact they decided to resign. Their profile has been removed from TPE48's third stage voting page.

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