BNK48 hold fan meeting with 'We Wish You a Merry Chrismast' theme

BNK48 will hold a fan meeting meeting H-1 natal later. The fan meet event titled 'WE WISH YOU! A Merry Christmas'. This event will be followed by 28 members of BNK48 with their performance. Get a chance to get a special christmas gift that will be chosen by them.

BNK48 fan metting we wish you a merry christmas.png

BNK48 will hold this event on Sunday, December 24, 2017 and in two times, at 13:00 pm (open gate: 12:00) and 18:00 pm (open gate: 17:00 pm). The event will be held at KBR Theater SIAM PIC-GANESHA, 7th Floor Siam Square One, Bangkok. Tickets will be on sale starting December 11 starting at 10:00 am at Thai Ticket Major. Ticket price is 1,200 Baht or equivalent approximately $38.

BNK48 also adds rules for Fan Meet participants: (1) Not allowed to use photo camera, video camera, or voice recorder, only phones are allowed. (2) Taking photos, video, and recording sound with any tool is not allowed. (3) For security, all luggage will be checked. (4) Please sit only on selected seats. (5) Do not accept any gift or letter to any member in this event.

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