Details on STU48 new TV show 'SetoBingo'

STU48’s first regular TV Show, SetoBingo to start airing at January 16th 2018 on NTV.

Time Machine Sango’s Seki Futoshi appeared on the video as fake Aki-P (Yasushi Akimoto.


Youngest AKB48's Japanese sister group STU48 will have their first regular TV program STU48 no SETOBINGO! [STU48 の セ ト ビ ン ゴ!] 'Which will air from January 2018 on NTV and several other TV stations.

'STU48 no SETOBINGO!' is idol variety 'BINGO!' which is also owned by AKB48, Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46.

When staff want to notify the program to STU48 members, the staff says, "There is something that Akimoto-sensei wants to communicate to you." The staff's words made STU48 members tense but it turned out that the present was a imitator Akimoto Yasushi ie comedian Seki Futoshi [Time Machine San-gou] who informed the STU48 member that the TV program 'STU48 no SETOBINGO!' will begin.

Details of the program including MCs that will emerge this program will be announced later on.


Cast: STU48
MC: -
NTV - Starts January 16, 2018, 1:29 ~ 1:59 AM JST / Jan 15, 2018, 23:29 ~ 23:59 WIB
Hiroshima TV - Starting January 20, 2018, 0:30 ~ 1:00 JST
Nanakai Broadcasting - Starting January 21, 2018, 1:35 ~ 2:05 JST
Nishinippon Broadcasting - Starting January 24, 2018, 1:29 ~ 1:59 AM
Yamaguchi Broadcasting - Starting January 27, 2018, 0:30 ~ 0:59 JST




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