'Koko Kara' Nagahama Neru on the top of Weekly Oricon Photobook

The first solo photobook of Keyakizaka46 Nagahama Neru 'Koko Kara [こ こ か ら]' which was released on December 19th has sold 97,660 copies.

Nagahama Neru 1st PB - Koko Kara 1st week sales.jpg

With this figure, Neru photobook is ranked first in the weekly Oricon photobook chart category and continues the sales success of the photobook 'Jousetsuna Manazashi [饒舌 な 眼 差 し]' owned by Watanabe Rika who also ranked first. 

Photobook Neru is ranked 2nd for "Weekly solo photobook salesbook" under photobook member Nogizaka46 Shiraishi Mai 'Passport' which sold over 103 250 copies. The third rank belongs to Kojima Haruna 'Kojiharu [こ じ は る] photoobok who sold 60,629 copies.

Weekly sales ranking photobook Keyakizaka46:
Koko Kara - Nagahama Neru: 97,660
Jousetsuna Manazashi - Watanabe Rika: 34,432

Weekly photobook sales Sakamichi Series:
  1. Passport - Shiraishi Mai: 103, 250
  2. Koko Kara - Nagahama Neru: 97,660
  3. Shiosai - Saito Asuka: 58,215
  4. Kaze wo Kigaete - Nishino Nanase: 57,478
  5. Hanashi wo Kikou ka - Eto Misa: 50, 670
  6. Tenchou - Ikuta Erika: 38,335
  7. Fudangi - Nishino Nanase: 36,458
  8. Jousetsuna Manazashi - Watanabe Rika: 34,432
  9. Seijun na Otona - Shiraishi Mai: 31,807
  10. Manatsu no Kiatsu Haichi - Akimoto Manatsu: 31,535
  11. Kimi Rashisa - Hori Miona: 29,470
  12. Zutto, Soba ni Itai - Fukagawa Mai: 28,948
  13. 2017 - Hashimoto Nanami: 27,185 
  14. Jiyuu to iu Koto - Sakurai Reika: 27,085
  15. Igai tte Iu ka, Mae kara Kawaii to Omotteta - Matsumura Sayuri: 22,815
  16. Yasashi Toge - Hashimoto Nanami: 20,607
  17. MAI STYLE - Shiraishi Mai: 19,004
  18. Palette - Wakatsuki Yumi: 16,832
  19. Kimi no Ashiato - Ikoma Rina: 16,326
  20. Doko Ni Iruno? - Shinuchi Mai: 15,165
  21. Koi Kamoshirenai - Takayama Kazumi: 11,816

TOP3 sales weekly female photobook solo - Oricon
  1. Passport - Shiraishi Mai: 103, 250
  2. Koko Kara - Nagahama Neru: 97,660
  3. Kojiharu - Kojima Haruna: 60,629

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