Nogizaka46 Ito Mariko first photobook detail

Member Nogizaka Ito Marika will release her first solo photobook on her birthday on February 20, 2018.

Nogizaka46 Ito Mariko first photobook detail

Ito's photobook will be published by Shueisha International. Ito will officially leave Nogizaka46 after the handshake event to be held on December 23rd, with Ito being the first member to release a solo photobook after graduating from the group.

Can release a photobook, Ito commented, "I never thought I could release a photobook, so I'm so glad."

Ito continued, "I want this photobook to be a start for me, this photobook will show my figure that has never been seen before.I want to make a photobook that makes people want to see it repeatedly."

Regarding hee future activities after graduation, Ito revealed, "I want to continue the activities that can express myself."

This photoobook photo shoot was done last November by taking shooting location in Hong Kong. This photobook not only displays photos of Ito with a smile like an idol, but there will also be photos that show Ito's serious face with a night scene in Hong Kong. In addition, this photobook will also feature photos of Ito Marika who wear swimsuit.

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