SNH48 4th Request Time Best 50 Ticket Prices announced

SNH48 4th Request Time Best 50 has closed the voting (voting) for the best songs fan choice.

SNH48 4th Request Time COncert.jpg

This means that the list of 50 songs has been kept secretly by management. The songs will be shown in a big concert SNH48 GROUP which will be held on 3 February.

This concert will be held at a place that has often been the location of SNH48 concert, Shanghai Mercedes-Benz Arena.

Concert tickets have been announced by SNH48 itself, where tickets will be sold into 4 types. The first ticket type is VIP for 998 Yuan or ± Rp 2,063,000.00 (pink), Red Tribune for 798 Yuan or ± Rp1.650.000,00; Yellow Tribune for 598 Yuan ± Rp1.236.000,00; Chocolate Tribune at a price of 398 Yuan or ± Rp823.000,00; and the 2nd floor Blue Tribun is sold for 198 yuan or ± Rp409.000,00.

For this year SNH48 4th Request Time Best 50 does not use all the seats as in Request Time last year. However, for this year there will be 2 concerts before the SNH484th Request Time concert will have a concert titled 'SNH48 Family Group' on February 2, 2018.

SNH48 Family Group concert will be followed by SNH48 and its group sisters. The concert has its own ticketing system and is different from SNH48 4th Request Time Best 50. Venue concerts only use half of the total venue of the Show Time concert.

Detail tickets have been announced, tickets are divided into 3 classes of yellow VIPs with a price of 598 yuan or ± Rp1.236.000,00; Tribune chocolate 398 Yuan or ± Rp823.000,00; and Blue Tribune for 298 Yuan or ± Rp606.000,00. Tickets go on sale from two days ago, you can get them at online shop SNH48 GROUP (

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