Team K to held CKG48 Star Dream Theater Tour

Team K CKG48 will perform theater tour activities in Shanghai. Of course, this event will be held at SNH48 Star Dream Theater.

CKG48 Team K Theater Tour in Shanghai SNH48 Star Dream Theater.png

This is a series of new group promotions for the rest of this corn.

The series of tours will be held for 2 days on 30-31 December 2017 or exactly before the turn of the new year 2018.

Team K will perform 'Qihuan Jiamian li' show on December 30, 2017 at 19:00 CST. The next day on December 31, 2017.

Team K will perform collaboration performances with his seniors in Team XII to perform in theatrical performances of the new year.

The new year's special theater performance will begin at 21:00 CST. Enjoy your new year with the girls who will spoil your eyes!

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