AKB48 Golden Generation Members Underwent Seijin Shiki

January 8, 2018, 40 members of AKB48 Group underwent "Seijin Shiki [成人 式 / Adult Ceremony]" held at Kanda temple, Tokyo.

AKB48 Seijin Shiki Members.jpg

Members Comment

Mukaichi Mion
Eventually I became an adult. Since AKB has just announced a shuffle team, the new team formation will start this spring, I will do my best as an adult member.

Miyawaki Sakura
First I want to say thank you to my parents. A few days ago HKT48 released the album, I want to keep trying hard.

Member Seijin Shiki Most In History 48Group

Miyawaki Sakura
There are some members who just know this day is the age ... I want to go to a new future.

What Is The Name For Seijin Shiki Generation This Year?

Miyawaki Sakura
We are the Golden Generation. This is not about me personally, but all members here are members of the future. we will make the AKB feel back to the glorious period.

Your wish For This Year?

Okada Nana
Thanks to the support of my family and the people around me, I am active in various activities. I want to live wholeheartedly as a person as well as an Idol.

Miyawaki Sakura
I want to be ranked first in Sousenkyo this year.

Shiroma Miru
I also want to shoot no.1. On my 20th birthday, I want to be a center in NMB48 also at AKB. Sakura, Let's suppose to compete.

Mukaichi Mion
Very interesting because this generation is targeting the first rank. With 41 members of this generation aiming at the first rank, I want to make a big uproar in Sousenkyo this year.

Members Participate in Seijin Shiki 

Hirose Natsuki, Iino Miyabi, Inagaki Kaori, Kato Rena, Kitazawa Saki, Kojima Mako, Mogi Kasumi, Mukaichi Mion, Murayama Yuiri, Oda Erina, Okada Nana, Onishi Momoka, Sato Shiori, Shimizu Maria, Takahashi Ayane, Takahashi Juri, Yumoto Ami

Hidaka Yuzuki, Kumazaki Haruka, Okada Miku, Sato Kaho

Koga Narumi, Naiki Kokoro, Kato Yuuka, Shiroma Miru, Ishizuka Akari

Kojina Yui, Kumazawa Serina, Miyawaki Sakura, Moriyasu Madoka, Motomura Aoi, Tomiyoshi Asuka (absen), Ueki Nao

Miyajima Aya, Murakumo Fuka, Nakai Rika, Nara Miharu, Nishimura Nanako, Tano Ayaka

Mori Kaho, Takino Yumiko

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