Fourth episode 'Nogizaka46 no Gaku Tabi!' will be airing

NHK BS Premium will be airing the fourth episode of the program 'Nogizaka46 no Gaku Tabi! [乃 木 坂 46 の ガ ク た び!] '.

Nogizaka46 no Gaku Tabi! (1).jpg

'Nogizaka46 no Gaku Tabi!' is a program where Nogizaka46 members will visit a school as a "transfer student" for a whole day, a program that will give real-life teenager life experiences at school for Nogizaka members.

In previous episodes, Hori Miona, Inoue Sayuri, Kawago Hina, Nishino Nanase, Ozono Momoko and Saito Yuuri will visit Kotohira High School located in Kagawa prefecture. Kotohira high school is famous all over the country as a prestigious school in sports Naginata.

In this fourth episode, 6 members of Nogizaka46, Ikuta Erika, Shinuchi Mai, Takayama Kazumi, Watanabe Miria, Yamashita Mizuki and Yoda Yuki will visit veterinary schools located in Chiba prefecture.

In addition to dealing with animals at school, the six members of Nogizaka46 will also perform at "Ashika [sea lions] Show" at amusement parks and engage in the preparation of the show including training sea lions.

Fourth episode of 'Nogizaka46 no Gaku Tabi!' it will air on January 21, 2018 at 23:00 ~ 24:00 JST / 21:00 ~ 22:00 pm.

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