NGT48 to hold solo group and Kitahara Rie graduation concert

Next April, NGT48 will hold a solo group concert at Toki Messe, Niigata.

NGT48 - Sekai wa Doko Made Aozora na no ka.jpg

This was announced when NGT48 held 'NGT48 Solo Concert ~ Mirai wa Doko Made Aozorana no ka? ~ [NGT48 単 独 コ ン サ ー ト ~ 未来 は ど こ ま で 青 空 な の か? ~]' At TDC Hall, January 13, 2018.

The NGT48 solo concert will be held on April 13, 2018. In addition, Kitahara Rie's graduation concert will also be held the day after, April 14, 2018.

NGT48 Solo Concert
April 13, 2018 @ Toki Messe, Niigata

Kitahara Rie Graduation Concert
April 14, 2018 @ Toki Messe, Niigata

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