NMB48 Yagura Fuuko & Ichikawa Miori to hold graduation concert in April

Idol group NMB48 will hold a graduation concert for two members namely Ichikawa Miori and Yagura Fuuko in April 2018.

fuuchan miorin nmb48.jpg

Previously, the two members of NMB48 have announced their graduation from the group. Yagura Fuuko announced her graduation on October 11, 2017 while Ichikawa Miori announced graduation on January 19, 2018.

Ichikawa Miori Graduation Concert
April 3, 2018 @ Orix Theater, Osaka
April 16, 2018 @ Omiya Sonic City, Saitama <NMB48 Team N>

Yagura Fuuko Graduation Concert
April 4, 2018 @ Orix Theater, Osaka

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