Nogizaka46 19th single reached a million copies

The 19th single of idol group Nogizaka46 'Itsuka Dekiru Kara Kyou Dekiru [い つ か で き る か ら 今 ote で き る]' which was released October 11, 2017 has then reached the sales figures of one million copies of the Oricon version.

Nogizaka46 - Itsuka Dekiru Kara Kyou Dekiru.jpg

The single has so far sold 1,010,000 copies in the 14th week since its release.

The single became the first single Nogizaka46 in this year to reach a million copies.

And, it became the 3rd single of Nogizaka46 in a row that reached a million copies after the 17th single 'Influencer [which has so far sold 1.031,000 copies and 18th single' Nigemizu [逃 げ 水] ' which currently has 1,058,000 copies sold.

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