SNH48 to collab with Sony PlayStation

SNH48 established a joint venture with the Chinese PlayStation company to form a new program called 'Dianwan Mei Shaonu Mengshen Jianglin 电玩 美 少女 萌 神 降临'.

SNH48 to collab with Sony PlayStation

The program will be broadcast live on the app belonging to SNH48 'Pocket48' station B starting today (23/02/2018) at 18:00 WITA. The first episode of this new variety featured 6 members of SNH48: Mo Han, Li Yuqi, Fei Qinyuan, Xie Ni, Tao Baoer, and Xu Shiqi.

These six members will entertain fans by playing a PS4 game called 'Xindhazong Gao Erfu 新 大众 高尔夫'. Through this game the members will give a real experience playing PS4 to fans.

In addition, there will be some members who will play various styles of games in the PS4. So do not forget to watch this program tonight!

For those of you who do not have a Pocket48 application yet, please download it on the following page. Pocket48 has been withdrawn from the Play Store so android users must download manually. For iOS users already available in the App Store.

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