BEJ48 reveals 3 new members for 7th generation


Beijing idol group 'BEJ48' will soon announce their new members.

Three girls will be introduced in the theater performance of Team E on September 28, 2019.

Keep in mind, they will be immediately promoted to the Team E formation considering the vacant position of the team because many members left.

These three new members have been revealed by BEJ48 fans.

In the group's official website, it can be known even though it is still well hidden.

They are Cheng Jie (曾 洁), Chen Yishan (陈 亿 杉), and Zhang Zhijie (张智杰).

The three of them will take part in the Team E performance in the future.

BEJ48 will hold a theater tour in Shanghai precisely at the SNH48 Star Dream Theater.

The event will be held on October 4-5, 2019 with a special setlist of Yuzhou Qihuan Bumian Ye (宇宙 奇幻 不 眠 夜) or 'The Fantasy Universe of Sleepless Night'.

The setlist is a blend of waiting stages 'UNIVERSE', 'Qihuan Jiamian Li', and 'Pajama Drive' that has been delivered by Team E.
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