New magnificent BNK48 Digital Live Studio at MBK Center


BNK48 has just moved its live broadcast studio, Digital Live Studio at an MBK Center shopping center in Bangkok.

The new studio, located on the 7th floor of the mall, was officially opened on Thursdah.

Previously the old studio was on the ground floor of the Emquatier shopping mall, Bangkok.

The move to the new location was due to the crowds of fans who came so crowded into the mall's ground floor. Then what's up at the new BNK48 Digital Live Studio?


If you get to the 7th floor on an escalator, you will be presented with the first view on the wall.

New Digital Live Studio BNK48 has a new venue in the form of a costume exhibition or seifuku singles from this group from Bangkok.

This uniform is placed behind the glass so it looks very attractive. There was also a picture of BNK48's 7th single senbatsu posted.


The studio that used live broadcasts was expanded and the arrangement was simple and simple.

This studio style is similar to a talk show on a TV station. In the previous place, the studio was so small and narrow that it could only accommodate a few members.

In the new Digital Studio even members can appear in it.

There are two parts of the studio but one is still closed.

Lighting facilities, seats for spectators are also added to make the studio look more luxurious.

The audience was also very facilitated but the quota amount was very limited. It feels like this new place on the 7th floor feels like it belongs to BNK48 itself.

BNK48 Digital Live Studio is the second home for members after BNK48 The Campus.

This place is a container that is often dubbed fans as aquariums or fish tanks because of its shape which is indeed like a large aquarium.
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