List of 46 agencies for Qing Chun You Ni 2, AKB48 China and STAR48 includes

Full lists of 46 entertainment agency and companies for the Qing Chun You Ni 2 participates in the event
The Chinese survival program "Qing Chun You Ni 2 / Youth With You Season 2" officially announces all agencies participating in the event and sends representatives as trainees.

This announcement was made in the official Weibo and Twitter account.

A total of 46 entertainment agencies or companies were announced to take part in this event.

The company originates from various countries, such as China, Taiwan, and the China-South Korea brokerage agency.

Some big agencies such as Yuehua, STAR48, Banana Culture, Yizong-Starship, Mountain Top sent quite a lot of representatives at this event.

Youth with you 2 agencies company

The following is a list of 46 agencies that participated in the Qing Chun You Ni 2 survival program.

  1. AKB48-CHINA / Shangyue Culture (尚越文化)
  2. AMG
  3. by MON Entertainment (百沐娱乐)
  4. Mercury.Nation Entertainment (辰星娱乐)
  5. Channy Dynasty Culture (誠利千代)
  6. Hodgehog Brother eNTERTAINMENT (刺猬兄弟娱乐)
  7. D.Wang Media Entertainment (大王娱乐)
  8. Good@Comunication (点赞传播)
  9. Feibao Media (飞宝传媒)
  10. Gramarie Entertainment (果然娱乐)
  13. Alliance Art Group (合纵文化)
  14. Hippo Film (河马影业)
  15. Huace Group (华策影视影视)
  16. Huayi Brothers Fashion (华谊兄弟时尚)
  17. MARS Digital Entertainment (火星数娱)
  18. Jaywalk Newjoy (嘉行新悦)
  19. Join Hall Media (嘉会传媒)
  20. JNERR Culture Media (嘉纳盛世)
  21. STAR MASTER Entertainment (匠星娱乐)
  22. OACA Entertainment / Juexing Dongfang (觉醒东方)
  23. Cool Young Entertainment (酷漾娱乐)
  24. Lion Heart
  25. LeHui Media (乐辉文化)
  26. Love&Peace
  27. Maninquin Entertainment (麦尼肯娱乐)
  28. South Fest (美丽南方)
  29. M.Y. Entertainment (萌样影视)
  30. Mencore Music (梦想青春音乐)
  31. M+ Entertainment (木加互娱)
  32. Second Culture
  33. Show City Times (少城时代)
  34. Shengyuan Inter Entertainment (圣元互娱)
  35. STAR48 / Siba Media (丝芭传媒)
  36. Mountain Top Entertainment (泰洋川禾)
  37. One Cool Jacso Culture Media (天加一文化传媒)
  38. TOV Entertainment (TOV娱乐)
  39. TPG
  40. Banana Culture Entertainment (香蕉娱乐)
  41. Happy Jump Culture / Xiangyue Culture (祥跃文化)
  42. WR/OC
  43. Yao Xing Culture (曜星文化)
  44. Yizong - Starship Entertainment
  45. Yuehua Entertainment
  46. LadyBees / Bliss Media (上海熙颐影)

But of the 46 agencies, there are trainees who do not have an agency. They will be incorporated in Personal Trainees. We will announce announcements about the trainees when they are published by iQiyi.
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