CGM48 debuts their mascot "P'Mon"

CGM48 debuts their mascot "P'Mon"

CGM48 officially introduced the group's mascot to their appearance at the "Children's Day Special Stage".

This mascot was introduced by the shihanin Izuta Rina to fans for the first time.

According to @BNKTYO, this green mascot is named "P'Mon" or which means "Sis Mon".

Cgm48 mascot p'mon

Mon in Chiang Mai dialect means mountain.

This mascot was chosen because it represents Chiang Mai, which is famous for its exotic natural mountain forest views.

P'Mon also danced in the CGM48 performance with the song "CGM48 / Chiang Mai48" at the event.

The group's mascot also graced the promotional video for the CGM48 song released by management today.

Through this mascot CGM48 can be better known by the people of Chiang Mai.
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