Cho Kurena to release 1st photobook and mini album "On My Own Way"

Cho Kurena first photobook titled KURENA and more info regarding former AKB48 Team 8 mini album "On My Own Way"
Cho Kurena to release 1st photobook and mini album "On My Own Way"

A former member of AKB48 Team 8, Cho Kurena reappeared in the media. On Monday, through WalkerPlus News  Twitter account, it was announced that Cho Kurena will release the first solo photobook.

Cho Kurena's photo book titled "KURENA" will be officially sold on February 27, 2020.

Regarding the photobook, Cho Kurena said, "I think this is a good start for 2020. My photobook has good photos. I will hold this photobook release event. So please come."

In addition to releasing a photobook, Cho Kurena also announced the release of a new mini music album titled "On My Own Way".

Every purchase of "On My Own Way" will get six songs. The album will go on sale on February 25, 2020.
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