Farewell AKB48 Cafe & Shop, demolition has started

Details on AKB48 Cafe and Shop closing, where is the new location at?
Farewell AKB48 Cafe & Shop, demolition has started

Following Vernalossom decision not to survive on this iconic AKB48 Cafe & Shop location, and it's already shut down in December 31, 2019.

Farewell AKB48 Cafe & Shop, demolition has started

The demolition of AKB48 Cafe has started today.

Farewell AKB48 Cafe & Shop, demolition has started

Vernalossom says the closing due to JR Akihabara redevelopment, but JR side says there's no plans of redevelopment.

Vernalossom rumored already have a new location for AKB48 Cafe & Shop. They have not yet announced it to the public considering that the construction is still early.
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