Fukagawa Mai will star the "Suiyoubi ga Kieta" movie

Details on Suiyoubi ga Kieta movie will featuring former Nogizaka46 member Fukagawa Mai, what is MaiMai role? Here is full story ...
Fukagawa Mai will star the "Suiyoubi ga Keita" movie

Fukagawa Mai will star in the movie 'Suiyoubi ga Kieta'.

The film stars Nakamura Tomoya.

Tells the story of a man who has 7 different personalities every day in the assessment.

The story of the world is taken from the perspective of the most serious and stored personality, namely the "Kayoubi / Tuesday" personality.

In this film, former Nogizaka46 member Maimai will play Mizuno, the culprit who is the key story in this film.

The film 'Suiyoubi ga Kieta' will be released in Japan on May 15, 2020.
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