GNZ48 Chen Ke will take hiatus for PRODUCE Camp 2020

GNZ48 member Chen Ke will not graduate but hiatus for few months due to her duty on Produce Camp 2020 as a group representative ...
GNZ48 Chen Ke will take hiatus for PRODUCE Camp 2020

One of the popular and best members of GNZ48, Chen Ke from Team G, will take a hiatus for several months from all group activities.

Chen Ke had her last performance yesterday before she went on hiatus.

Chen Ke expressed her gratitude to all fans and teammates at GNZ48.

This is due to Chen being a representative of GNZ48 who will take part in the Produce Camp 2 2020 (Produce 101 China Season 3) survival show in a few months.

Chen Ke will be the only representative of GNZ48 for the program.

As is well known that this year STAR48 sent its representatives to become trainees at two survival shows in China namely Idol Produce and Produce 101 China, Chen Ke will be the only one representative of GNZ48.
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