MNL48 Dani was hit by hilarious dating scandal

MNL48 member Dani dating scandal pics and video leaked by her boyfriend will Daniella mae palmero graduate?
MNL48 Dani was hit by hilarious dating scandal

Daniella Mae Palmero aka Dani MNL48, a member of Team NIV had just tripped over a dating scandal again.

She is known to have a boyfriend secretly and violates the love ban rules that are applied by every 48 groups.

This is known when the @kenanginmao account that allegedly belongs to the boyfriend accidentally uploaded a vacation photo with Dani MNL48 on his Instagram account.

The photo shows the figure of a woman who is denied being Dani being carried on the shoulder of her boyfriend.

The photo was taken while the two were on vacation together at the beach.

It was clear that the woman the man was holding was Dani MNL48.

This is seen in terms of body posture, eyes and lips, fans really believe that it is Dani.

At this time the account that uploaded the photo has been made private.

Not yet known why the cause of this account was privatized by the owner.

MNL48 Dani finally said something after this whole mess. All that is left is for management to take proper action.

MNL48 Dani was hit by hilarious scandal skandal foto

This scandal certainly makes MNL48 fans, MNLoves disappointed with Dani's attitude.

They are now asking for clarification from HHE as management of MNL48.
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