New JKT48 Xiaomi for Redmi Note 8 Pro TV CM

Proses syuting iklan Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro JKT48 member Desy Lala Zee Shani Gracia Anin TV CM terbaru
New JKT48 Xiaomi for Redmi Note 8 Pro TV CM

Two Instagram accounts @gsandikarahman and @audri.ferainy shared footage of the CM filming process that was being carried out by JKT48 members.

In the photo, it appears that some JKT48 members are focusing on the process of taking pictures.

New JKT48 Xiaomi for Redmi Note 8 Pro TV CM

The CM is an advertisement for a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro mobile phone product.

JKT48 is Xiaomi's brand ambassador, the two parties have worked together since a few years ago.

JKT48 members who appeared in the leaked photos included Shani, Gracia, Desy, Anin, Lala and Azizi. Reportedly the Xiaomi new CM will later be aired on national television.
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