Nogizaka46 Sasaki Kotoko to graduate from the group

Sasaki Kotoko a member of Nogizaka46 2nd generation has announced her graduation tonight, here what she said on the blog ...
Nogizaka46 Sasaki Kotoko to graduate from the group

Through her official blog post tonight Nogizaka46 2nd gen member Sasaki Kotoko has announced her graduation from the group.

Kotoko Sasaki last activity will be held in March 2020.

She talks about her experiences and hardships from when she entered Nogizaka, and how she looks forward to support the group, back to a fan.

"And after graduated, I’m will be a fan of Nogizaka46 and cheers for them just like I used to be before joining this group." Sasaki Kotokonwrote in her blog.
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