Details on "First ♡ Time" SKE48 Tani Marika 1st DVD

Finally a good news come from SKE48 member Tani Marika she will release first DVD photobook titled First ♡ Time, here details ..
Details on "First ♡ Time" SKE48 Tani Marika 1st DVD

Tani Marika will release her first DVD this year.

The news came during Tani's 23rd birthday celebration held in the theater in December 2019 and it was a special gift for Tani Marika, the article about her release of her first DVD was read by the captain, Suda Akari and written by herself by the captain of Team E.

Tani Marika's first DVD title is「First ♡ Time !!」 and will be released on 1 April 2020.

Tani Marika was originally a HKT48 member who was promoted to Team KIV, but before the new Team debut right on February 24, 2014 during the AKB48 Group Dai Sokaku Matsuri, Tani Marika had to be transferred to SKE48 and entered Team E.
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