Data: STU48 best-selling singles in first week

STU48 best seller single most sales in first week so far. Full details data.
Which STU48 best-selling singles in first week?

STU48 has just released their 7th single, "Hetaretachi Yo". 

It seems the single was underwhelming in terms of first week sales. 

But it's still better than their previous single.

So from the seven singles they released, which one is the best-selling one?

1. Kurayami - debut single (136.456 copies)
2. Kaze wo Matsu (276.316)
3. Daisuki na Hito (254.007)
4. Mubou na Yume wa Sameru Koto ga Nai (287.713)
5. Omoidaseru Koi wo Shiyou (163.625)
6. Hitorigoto de Kataru Kurai Nara (175.092)
7. Hetaretachi yo (185.975) 

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