JKT48 to launch Private Message, their version of Mobame

JKT48 Mobame is coming soon! It is called JKT48 Private Message and here is how to subscribe to them.
JKT48 to launch Private Message, their version of Mobame

JKT48 to launch their own version of Mobame/Bubble, it's called Private Message.

JKT48 Private Message is a new premium service based on instant messaging application, where JKT48 fans get direct messages from JKT48 members. 

Through JKT48 Private Message, you can get to know each other more closely and find out the members' daily activities exclusively. 

Make sure you already have an account and the LINE application is installed on your smartphone to subscribe to JKT Private Message.

If you use a credit card as a payment method for a subscription, you will get a 1 week free trial period. 

This service starts from November 1, 2021. 

To register and find out details about this premium service, you can access the following link: jkt48.funect.me

For those who have questions about JKT48 Private Message, you can contact the JKT48 PM Support account on LINE at this link: lin.ee/OcPSLJp

Despite limited mobility and having to stay at home, JKT48 want to keep all of you energized and invite JKT48 fans to smile.

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