NGT48 to release 7th single, Ogino Yuka gets her graduation song

Niigata's idol group NGT48 to release their 7th single, they have also announced Ogino Yuka graduation song made by Aki-P.
NGT48 to release 7th single, Ogino Yuka gets her graduation song

During today's NGT48 Tandoku Concert and Ogino Yuka Graduation Concert the group has announced some things. 

At the Tandoku Concert, NGT48 announced they will release 7th Single on December 22, 2021. More details will be announced later. 

At this concert there was also a special new song for Ogino Yuka's graduation song titled "Watashi ga Ichiban Iitakatta Koto". 

This song is a special song composed by producer Yasushi Akimoto.

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