SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans

SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans, Team HII member got exposed.
SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans

A member of SNH48 Team HII, Guo Shuang, shocked Weibo today, after her scandalous photo circulated. 

SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans

A number of photos showing her with a man were uploaded to the internet by anonymous accounts. 

SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans

In one photo, Guo Shuang was even caught kissing her boyfriend. 

A potential red card could make her punished by SIBA.

As a result of this, Guo Shuang's official fanbase has been officially disbanded.

Update from STAR48: 

SNH48 Guo Shuang scandal shocked fans

Shanghai Siba STAR48 announces action being taken in the case of Guo Shuang

The following punishment is being applied:

1. Yellow Card
2. Demotion to trainee status
3. Suspension from all activities including stages and online
4. Deduction of allowances for the 4th quarter of 2021 

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