Vote Sakurazaka46 in MTV Europe Music Awards

Sakurazaka46 nominated in MTV Europe Music Awards 2021 here is how to vote Sakurazaka and make your oshi proud.
Vote Sakurazaka46 in MTV Europe Music Awards

Japanese idol group Sakurazaka46 has been nominated for "Best Japan Act" in MTV Europe Music Awards 2021. 

To join the vote you will need using this URL: 

How does it count? Multiple votes can be casted with 10 seconds interval each.

This event will be held on November 15th, in Hungary. To international fans, this is your best chance to make your oshimen proud.

No limit on number of votes you can actually submit. 

The total number of eligible votes for each nominee within a category submitted during the Voting Period will be calculated by VCN. 

And the nominee with the most eligible votes, as determined by VCNI, will be declared the winner of such category.

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