Yoshimotozaka46 decided to take a hibernation

Music group Yoshimotozaka46 to take a lomg hiatus after they find it difficult to perform during this situation. More details here.
Yoshimotozaka46 decided to take a long hiatus

Through their official website, Yoshimotozaka46 have announced their long hiatus following their performance on February 5, 2022.  

The Nogizaka46's sister group formed in 2018, which is multi-talented, and with a wide age range, has found performing difficult during the pandemic.

"As you may know, the members are active as artists in the entertainment world, although their fields are different, such as laughter, acting, and dance. And that activity will continue in the future." 

"At this point, the activities at Yoshimotozaka46 will be closed for a while, but we will continue to look forward to the day when each of them will become even bigger and stronger and we will be able to meet you again."

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