Chen Jiayi winning AKB48 Team SH Janken Tournament 2021

AKB48 Team SH Janken Taikai Tournament 2021 has ended. Here is full final results as Chen Jiayi wins the event.
Chen Jiayi winning AKB48 Team SH Janken Tournament 2021

Chen JiaYi has successfully becoming a Winner in the AKB48 Team SH Janken Taikai Tournament 2021 Event. 

And she will be the Center of "Chance no Junban" which will be the Coupling Song the group's 7th single "Oogoe Diamond". 

Oogoe Diamond will be centered by Liu Nian who is winning Senbatsu Sousenkyo. 

Chen Jiayi beating Shi Keyan in the final round.

Full final results:

1. Chen JiaYi (Center)
2. Shi KeYan
3. Zhang QianFei
4. Liu Nian
5. Li JiaHui
6. Ma XiaoYu
7. Wei Xin
8. ZangJiaZhe
9. Zhou NianQi
10. Shen Ying
11. Zou RouNan
12. Zhang YiLin
13. Wu Fan
14. Shi AiBei
15. Qiu DiEr
16. Liang ShiAn

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