Sakurazaka46 is the first Sakamichi to win MTV Europe

Idol group Sakurazaka46 becomes the first Sakamichi Group to win MTV European Music Awards for Best Japan act.
Sakurazaka46 the first Sakamichi to win MTV Europe

Sakurazaka46 lifting their MTV Europe Music Awards 2021 for Best Japan Act. 

They are the first ever Sakamichi Group to win this trophy. 

The winners of the MTV Europe Japan act :

2013 - Momoiro Clover Z

2014 - Daichi Miura

2015 - Dempagumi. inc

2016 - One Ok Rock

2017 - Babymetal

2018 - Little Glee Monster

2019 - King Gnu

2020 - Official Hige Dandism

2021 - Sakurazaka46

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