Take a look at new GNZ48 11th generation members

GNZ48 11th generation members has been revealed, here is their profile and pictures.
GNZ48 has today introduced their new members from 11th generation. 

They are Huang RuTong, Hui YuXuan, Lin EnTong, and Lei ShuYi.

1. 黄汝彤 Huang RuTong Profile

Huang Rutong GNZ48 11th gen members

Personal Strengths: Won't be knocked down, Handicraft, Spending Money. 

Hobbies and Interests: Unwrapping Mystery Boxes, Making Money. 

Nickname: XiaoTong/YuTou/Taro

Zodiac: Aquarius

Birthplace: Macau

Huang RuTong is the very first SNH48 Group member from Macau.

2. 惠煜轩 Hui YuXuan

Hui Yuxuan GNZ48 11th gen members

Personal Strengths: Piano, Singing, Dancing, A Good Cook, Good Sleeper

Nickname: XiaoHui

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Guangdong

Hobbies and Interests: Patting Cats, Seeing Beautiful Girls, Making Money, Dance Covers, Eating and Sleeping and Vice Versa, Slow Internet Surfing, Losing Weight . 

3. 林恩同 Lin EnTong

Lin Entong GNZ48 11th gen members

Personal Strengths: Gutsy

Nickname: EnTong

Zodiac: Gemini

Birthplace: Guangdong

Hobbies and Interests: Street Dancing, Skiing, Go-Karting.

4. 雷淑怡 Lei ShuYi

Lei ShuYi GNZ48 11th Gen member

Personal Strengths: Jazz, Walking, Drinking Coffee

Nickname: XiaoXian

Zodiac: Virgo

Birthplace: Guangdong, China

Hobbies and Interests: Playing Dou DiZhu Card Game, Watching Girl Groups, Mixing Special Drinks.

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