Top trending idols in 2021 Yahoo Japan ver

Sakurazaka46 are in top 8 rank most idols with highest search numbers based on Yahoo Japan data. Here is full lists.
Top trending idols in 2021 Yahoo Japan ver

Yahoo! JAPAN has announced the 2021 edition of the "Yahoo! Search Awards" that has continued since 2014. 

Based on Yahoo! Search data, they rank the people and works that have seen the highest number of searches in 2021 compared to the previous year, and have announced eight categories such as actors, actresses, and athletes. 

Shibuya Nagisa and Saito Kyoko may surprise some with Sakurazaka46 ranked 2nd behind BE:FIRST.  

Top 8 rank: 

2. Sakurazaka46
4. V6 
5. Miyawaki Sakura 
6. INI 
7. Nagisa Shibuya 
8. Saito Kyoko

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