Hirose Alice dating with Okura Tadayoshi confirmed

Actress Hirose Alice dating with Kanjani8 Okura Tadayoshi, both been staying together for a long time. Here is the details.
Hirose Alice dating with Okura Tadayoshi confirmed

Kanjani8 Okura Tadayoshi (36) and Hirose Alice (27) are reportedly dating, as per reports earlier today.

Both played married couple in Fuji TV drama last year and became friends. The relationship started about half a year ago.

Hirose Alice and Okura Tadayoshi started dating around summer 2021. 

What they have in common is that they like movies, music, etc. 

It seems that they got to know each other deeply while having a conversation while enjoying their time together. 

Okura is a good listener to Hirose who is cheerful.

Both are indoors and they mainly enjoy dating at home. 

They occasionally going out for a meal date and sometimes enjoy driving so that it is not noticeable. 

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