Okada Nana wins AKB48 4th Singing Competition

Final results on AKB48 4th Singing Competition full rankings as Okada Nana aka Naachan wins this season's tournament.
Okada Nana wins AKB48 4th Singing Competition

The AKB48 4th Singing Competition is over with Okada Nana successfully beating previous champions STU48's Ikeda Yura. 

In the other news, Naachan's well-known girlfriend Murayama Yuiri winning Special Jury Award. 

This results means no members has won it twice in a row in four different occasions.

AKB48 4th Singing Competition Final Rankings, as it happened:

1. Okada Nana (AKB48)
2. Ikeda Yura (STU48)
3. Yano Honoka (STU48) 
4. Furuhata Nao (SKE48)
5. Shimizu Sara (STU48)
6. Mimura Hino (NGT48)
7. Imamura Mitsuki (STU48)
8. Sakamoto Erena (HKT48)

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